I completely forgot that the X3 must have been going for the periodical tech control. Only Sunday evening recognised the fact that I have no time for nothing until the due date, next afternoon. I've got to go to work as normal and there was not even a time slot for a change of bulb. An old Dakota said once: "The lord stays to be lord in the hell as well", I washed it and put wax on it. I draw to the "Prüfbahn" innocently and I thought I was going to get a "must have been done" report in the worst case. It has gone through the examination with no notes. The man said at the end that probably a set of break pads could be necessary within short km-s on the front wheels but what he said afterwards was more remarkable. He offered of buying it in case I would wish to marketing it any time. Well, the wax worked well. I assured him that I bear his offer in mind.
Shall I sell a car that got asked by an MOT technician willing to bargain it just after the passed test? No.